Simcoe LLC Oil & Gas Wells in Colorado

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Simcoe LLC
Production Dates on File: March 2020 to August 2024

2 Counties With Production

982 Currently Producing Leases

1.1 k Total Leases

1.3 k Currently Producing Wells

1.4 k Total Wells

8.8 M MCF of Gas Produced in Aug 2024

Map of Wells Associated with Simcoe LLC
Simcoe LLC Production By County
Production Based on August 2024 Data
Location Total Wells Oil Production Gas Production Total BOE
Archuleta County 22 0 BBLs 106,906 MCF 3,455 BBLs
La Plata County 1,364 0 BBLs 8,710,135 MCF 281,532 BBLs
Leases Associated With Simcoe LLC
Production Based on August 2024 Data
Lease # Lease Name Location Gas Production
# 306754 REA GAS UNIT 18U-03-M34N8W 18NESE La Plata County
# 306755 TINKER FEDERAL GAS UNIT-N34N8W 12SESW La Plata County
# 306757 FC LEIDY COM FT 001-N33N9W 3SWNE La Plata County
# 306758 HOTTER,JOE A.GAS UNIT-M34N9W 17NESE La Plata County
# 306760 SOUTHERN UTE 30-3-N33N9W 30SWNE La Plata County
# 306761 PRESENTACION MEDINA GU A-N33N10W 11NWNE La Plata County
# 306763 MCCAW WATER DISPOSAL-M34N8W 20NWSE La Plata County
# 306765 HOLMAN CANYON GAS UNIT-N34N7W 7NENW La Plata County
# 306766 CAHOON GAS UNIT A-N34N7W 3NWSW La Plata County
# 306768 HOTTER GAS UNIT A-M34N9W 17NESW La Plata County
# 306771 SOUTHERN UTE TRIBAL,TT-M34N9W 24NESW La Plata County
# 306774 LARSEN GS UNIT 1-12-N34N9W 12NESW La Plata County
# 306782 RAYMOND KOON GU A-N33N9W 19NENE La Plata County
# 306783 COLE,JAMES GAS UNIT B-N34N8W 8SWSW La Plata County
# 306789 SOUTHERN UTE 16-2;33-10-N33N10W 16NESW La Plata County
# 306792 BARNES GAS UNIT B-N33N9W 1NENE La Plata County
# 306794 FC SOUTHERN UTE COM 005-N33N9W 9SWNW La Plata County
# 306795 ROBERTSON GU 19-01-N33N6W 19NWSW La Plata County
# 306796 SOUTHERN UTE GAS UNIT P-N33N7W 7SWSW La Plata County
# 306798 LUNT GAS UNIT 19-01-M34N8W 19SESW La Plata County
# 306800 SOUTHERN UTE GAS UNIT N-N33N8W 13SWNE La Plata County
# 306807 SOUTHERN UTE GAS UNIT Q-N33N7W 19NENE La Plata County
# 306808 SPANISH FORKS GU B-N33N7W 34SWNE La Plata County
# 306809 GOSNEY GAS COM A-M34N7W 15NESW La Plata County
# 306810 MCCAW GAS UNIT C-M34N8W 28NWSW La Plata County
# 306811 UTE GAS UNIT AC-N33N7W 18NENW La Plata County
# 306816 SOUTHERN UTE TRIBAL FF-M34N8W 31NWSW La Plata County
# 306817 SOUTHERN UTE 15-3-N33N10W 15NWSW La Plata County
# 306818 ZELLITTI GU A-M34N9W 34SENW La Plata County
# 306819 KRAJACK GAS UNIT 43-27-M34N8W 27SWSE La Plata County
# 306820 SIMON LAND&CATTLE CO.NO27-1-M34N9W 27SESW La Plata County
# 306821 HJERMSTAD GAS UNIT A-M34N8W 28SWNE La Plata County
# 306829 L.A. DAUGHETEE GU-M34N9W 28NESW La Plata County
# 306834 FRAHM FEDERAL GAS UNIT-M34N6W 10SESW La Plata County
# 306839 BROWN 32-6-10-N32N6W 10SWNE La Plata County
# 306840 MORRISON FED.GAS UNIT B-N34N6W 7SWNE La Plata County
# 306841 SNOOKS GAS UNIT A-N34N7W 14NWNE La Plata County
# 306844 COWAN, GRACE P. TRUST G.U,A-N34N9W 11NESW La Plata County
# 306845 WEBB-REEDER GAS UNIT A-N34N9W 10NESW La Plata County
# 306846 LUTER FEDERAL CU-N34N6W 7NESW La Plata County
# 306847 Payne, Mabel 01-33 4 La Plata County
# 306848 PAYNE,EVELYN GAS UNIT A-N35N6W 32NWSW La Plata County
# 306849 PAYNE,EVELYN GAS UNIT F-N35N6W 32SENE La Plata County
# 306850 ALBRIGHT TRIMBLE GU-N35N6W 33NWSW La Plata County
# 306851 KENNEDY GU A-M34N8W 21NWNW La Plata County
# 306852 WEBB-REEDER GAS UNIT B-N34N9W 11SENW La Plata County
# 306857 FC SOUTHERN UTE COM 001-N33N9W 9NENE La Plata County
# 306859 SOUTHERN UTE GAS UNIT AK-N33N8W 14NENE La Plata County
# 306860 PAYNE EVELYN E-N35N6W 29SESW La Plata County
# 306861 FEINBERG GAS UNIT C-N35N6W 28NWSW La Plata County
Wells Associated With Simcoe LLC
Production Based on August 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status Gas Production
# 05-007-05179 LUCHINI WATER DISPOSAL(EPA) 1 Archuleta County Injecting
# 05-007-06083 GLOVER 1 Archuleta County Producing
# 05-007-06086 ROSS 1 Archuleta County Producing
# 05-007-06123 SEIBEL A 1 Archuleta County Producing
# 05-007-06124 CARMELITA GALLEGOS A 1 Archuleta County Producing
# 05-007-06125 SEIBEL B 1 Archuleta County Producing
# 05-007-06143 LUCHINI 32-6-12 1 Archuleta County Producing
# 05-007-06146 PERINO 32-6-13 1 Archuleta County Producing
# 05-007-06148 KERRIGAN 32-6-2 1 Archuleta County Producing
# 05-007-06149 LUCHINI 32-6-11 1 Archuleta County Producing
# 05-007-06165 MARQUEZ A 1 Archuleta County Producing
# 05-007-06203 KERRIGAN 32-6-2 2 Archuleta County Producing
# 05-007-06221 LUCHINI 32-6-11 2 Archuleta County Producing
# 05-007-06224 GLOVER 2 Archuleta County Producing
# 05-007-06317 Seibel A 2 Archuleta County Producing
# 05-007-06320 Seibel B 2 Archuleta County Producing
# 05-007-06325 Carmelita Gallegos A 3 Archuleta County Producing
# 05-007-06326 Kerrigan 32-6-2 3 Archuleta County Producing
# 05-007-06327 Marquez A 2 Archuleta County Producing
# 05-007-06328 Luchini 32-6-12 2 Archuleta County Producing
# 05-007-06329 Glover 4 Archuleta County Producing
# 05-007-06334 Ross 2 Archuleta County Abandoned Location
# 05-067-05058 SOUTHERN UTE 32-7; 18-2 La Plata County Producing
# 05-067-05073 SOUTHERN UTE 32-8; 13-1 La Plata County Producing
# 05-067-05076 KNIGHT GAS UNIT 1 MV La Plata County Producing
# 05-067-05080 SOUTHERN UTE 32-7; 18-1 La Plata County Producing
# 05-067-05089 SOUTHERN UTE 32-8; 14-1 La Plata County Producing
# 05-067-05112 SOUTHERN UTE 32-8; 12-2 La Plata County Producing
# 05-067-05115 WIRT D 1 La Plata County Producing
# 05-067-05127 SOUTHERN UTE 32-8; 12-1 La Plata County Producing
# 05-067-05131 WIRT E 1 La Plata County Producing
# 05-067-05135 SOUTHERN UTE 32-8; 11-1 La Plata County Producing
# 05-067-05139 SNOOK A 1 La Plata County Producing
# 05-067-05144 HC MCDONALD 1 La Plata County Shut In
# 05-067-05154 SOUTHERN UTE 32-7; 6-1 La Plata County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-067-05157 SNOOK B 1 La Plata County Producing
# 05-067-05164 SOUTHERN UTE 32-8; 1-2 La Plata County Producing
# 05-067-05196 SOUTHERN UTE(EPA) 2-2 La Plata County Injecting
# 05-067-05225 WIRT B 1 La Plata County Producing
# 05-067-05239 WIRT A 1 La Plata County Producing
# 05-067-05244 WILDE B 1 La Plata County Producing
# 05-067-05274 WIRT C 1 La Plata County Producing
# 05-067-05280 UTE 1 La Plata County Temporarily Abandoned
# 05-067-05312 SIMMS 1 La Plata County Producing
# 05-067-05382 SOUTHERN UTE 02-21X 1 La Plata County Producing
# 05-067-05415 SOUTHERN UTE 02-16 1 La Plata County Producing
# 05-067-05577 ADA (EPA) 1 La Plata County Injecting
# 05-067-05596 ANIMAS 03-11 2 La Plata County Producing
# 05-067-05777 PAN AMERICAN FEE A 1 La Plata County Producing
# 05-067-05785 SOUTHERN UTE 32-8; 23-1 La Plata County Producing