Axem Resources, Inc. Oil & Gas Wells in North Dakota

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Axem Resources, Inc.
Production Dates on File: November 1983 to May 1992

23 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Axem Resources, Inc.
Wells Associated With Axem Resources, Inc.
Production Based on August 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 33-007-00435 MESCHKE 2-2 Billings County Plugged and Abandoned
# 33-007-00845 BIG ELK CREEK BN 7-29 Billings County Plugged and Abandoned
# 33-007-00950 WEST FRANKS CREEK BN 16-9 Billings County Permit Now Cancelled
# 33-007-01069 MARQUIS FEDERAL 7-6 Billings County Permit Now Cancelled
# 33-007-01183 BLACKTAIL FEDERAL 5-29H Billings County Permit Now Cancelled
# 33-007-01184 BLACKTAIL FEDERAL 15-33H Billings County Plugged and Abandoned
# 33-007-01326 FRYBURG STATE 1-20 Billings County Dry Hole
# 33-009-01804 GLENBURN 14-26 Bottineau County Dry Hole
# 33-009-01950 LAKEVIEW 15-22 Bottineau County Dry Hole
# 33-013-01007 NORTH TIOGA-STATEN 15-21 Burke County Dry Hole
# 33-025-00262 LONE BUTTE 5-7 Dunn County Dry Hole
# 33-033-00204 CAMEL HUMP FED. 6-3 Golden Valley County Permit Now Cancelled
# 33-049-00131 AXEM - STRANDBERG 4-6 McHenry County Dry Hole
# 33-049-00133 AXEM-MATEHS 5-6 McHenry County Dry Hole
# 33-049-00134 AXEM-MUELLER 13-17 McHenry County Dry Hole
# 33-049-00135 AXEM-LILLEGARD 2-6 McHenry County Dry Hole
# 33-049-00136 PRATT 7-32 McHenry County Permit Now Cancelled
# 33-057-00029 SAKAKAWEA FEDERAL 7-29 Mercer County Dry Hole
# 33-101-00406 S. CARPENTER LAKE 16-4 Ward County Dry Hole
# 33-101-00419 MORK LAKE 6-7 Ward County Dry Hole
# 33-101-00422 S. CARPENTER LAKE 5-10 Ward County Permit Now Cancelled
# 33-101-00423 SPRING VALLEY 14-9 Ward County Permit Now Cancelled
# 33-101-00424 SPRING VALLEY 10-9 Ward County Dry Hole